All About Citrixsmartauditor

Sep 30, 2015 Record all dormant icl files to a text file and save for later use. Run REMOVEALL command to remove all session entries from the database. Note: Remember that, running REMOVEALL command does not remove the actual.ICL files from the file structure.

The Citrix Ready Program is a technology partner program that helps software, hardware, and services companies, of all types, develop and integrate their products with Citrix technologies for Digital Workspace, Networking, and Analytics. 企业安全监测产品比较 为了帮助您更好地理解Ekran®系统与其他类似解决方案的区别,我们准备了用于监视用户操作的程序的详细比较,尤其是那些使用用户会话的视频记录作为主要数据保护格式的程序。除了一般信息之外,您还可以在下表中找到各个功能的比较。 探索更多用于监控用户活动和管理. If you start your Monday mornings with a $6 coffee and then sit back to catch up on all the Gartner white papers - this is the book for you. If you actually run and support Xen App (5 or 6 now - not 4.5) this book does not have much to offer. It is a good guide to project planning but that's where it stops. – SmartAuditor Administration: It will be the team that is responsible for managing recordings (Servidor Citrix SmartAuditor), You have a console where the subject of the recordings is set (SmartAuditor Policy Console) and store the configuration in a SQL DB (Database Citrix SmartAuditor).

A warning about Citrix SmartAuditor and Provisioning: if you have multiple Provisioned XenApp servers running the Agent, you are likely to run into recording issues--segments will be periodically dropped making some recordings seem to be 'Live' forever, others will stop in the prematurely, and yet others will simply not play at all. The result depends on which part of the recording is dropped.
We are working on extending the XenApp Prep tool to take care of this.
The issue stems from the fact that the unique identifier for the Message Queuing Service on each Provisioned XenSpp Server is being duplicated --something which Microsoft has indicated is a 'no-no.' Since there are many servers with the same ID, when the MSMQ on the SmartAuditor Server-side performs a routine clean-up of its cache, what are actually new recording segments will be interpreted as older segments (because all segments bear the same MSMQ ID from the Provisioned XenApp servers, but their counters will be out of order) and will simply discard them.
The workaround is to perform the following steps (and this must be done on the XenApp master image each time before the image is switched back into Standard Image Mode):
On XenApp
1) In Private Image Mode, perform whatever changes to the master image.
2) Before shutting down, stop both the SmartAuditor Agent Service and Message Queuing.
3) Go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMSMQParametersMachine Cache and delete the REG_BINARY value QMId.
4) Move up to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMSMQParameters and create a DWORD value called SysPrep and set this value to 1.
5) Shutdown and Switch to Standard Image Mode.
The SysPrep flag will trigger a regeneration of the QMId REG_BINARY value just before the service starts. This regeneration takes place on start-up across all of the target hosts using the same vDisk thus allowing them to each have their own unique identifier for MSMQ.
The QMId will be different upon each reboot--even for the same target server. If you are just using SmartAuditor, this will NOT be a problem. However, if you are using some other software that utilizes MSMQ that is dependent for some reason on HOST-A and HOST-B having consistent QMId values, then this will present a problem. In which case, I'd wait for the XenApp Prep tool.
For those not using Citrix SmartAuditor or XenApp, but provision Windows member servers which use MSMQ, the solution will be a bit more complicated.
Note: before implementing any solution discussed here, consult the application vendor. The following depicted here is merely a suggestion and Citrix makes no guarantees, warrantees, and so on and so forth... TEST TEST TEST before doing anything to Production!
In Private Image Mode, before shutting down, set the Message Queuing service to Manual. Then deploy a script (via a Local Policy for the Computer or maybe as a GPO in an OU) that does the following:
1) Uses WMI to query for the computer's UUID.
2) Convert the return value to a string while stripping out the dashes '-.'
3) Check the Registry for the presence of the QMId value. If it exists, delete it and move on...
4) Create the QMId REG_BINARY value and pass the modified UUID value to it.
5) Start MSMQ
We implemented this workaround using VBScript and it works well. There may be some delays if WMI has issues on start-up. As long as the value put into the QMId REG_BINARY conforms with being a 32-bit hex value, it should work. The result will be that each target device will have a unique but static QMId because whether the target is hardware of a Virtual Machine, the UUID for that host will always remain the same (unless you swap out the CPU of a hardware machine).

We were getting below mention error while installing SmartAuditor on SQL 2008 cluster . Tried following CTX123288 but looks like some changes is required from SQL 2008 cluster prospective.

All about citrix smartauditor app


When opening the Citrix SmartAuditor Policy Console, the following error message appears:

“Unable to connect to the SmartAuditor Server. Ensure that the SmartAuditor Server is running.
Unable to load farm configuration.
An error occurred while accessing the SmartAuditor Database. More details about the error have been logged on the server.”

Citrix SmartAuditor Events like the one below appear:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Citrix SmartAuditor Broker
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 11/4/2009
Time: 6:52:51 PM
User: N/A
Exception caught while loading SmartAuditor Policy Console configuration file.
--- Exception Details ---
Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
Message: Cannot open database 'CitrixSmartAuditor' requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user ‘CITRIXSMARTAUDITOR01$'.
Stack trace:
at SmAudDatabaseProxy.DatabaseProxy.get_DatabaseConnection()
at SmAudDatabaseProxy.DatabaseProxy.LoadPolicyConsoleConfigurationFile(Int16 policyType, Int64& configFileModifiedTimeUtcTicks, Int32& configFileFormatMajorVersion, Int32& configFileFormatMinorVersion, Byte[]& configFile)
at SmAudBroker.PolicyAdministration.LoadPolicyConsoleConfigurationFile(PolicyType policyType, Int64& configFileModifiedTimeUtcTicks, Int32& configFileFormatMajorVersion, Int32& configFileFormatMinorVersion, Byte[]& configFile)

After installing Citrix SmartAuditor, the following events are seen (usually at 30-second intervals) in the Application Event Logs.:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Citrix SmartAuditor Storage Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 11/4/2009
Time: 6:35:32 PM
User: N/A
Exception caught while establishing database connection.
--- Exception Details ---
Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
Message: Cannot open database 'CitrixSmartAuditor' requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'CITRIXSMARTAUDITOR01$'.
Stack trace:
at SmAudDatabaseProxy.DatabaseProxy.get_DatabaseConnection()
at SmAudDatabaseProxy.DatabaseProxy.CheckSupportedSchemaVersion()
at SmAudDatabaseProxy.DatabaseProxy.TestConnection()
at SmAudStorageManager.DataQueueConsumer.WaitConnectDatabase()

ICA sessions are not being recorded and ICL files only appear for a short time and then disappear.


Probable causes can include the following:

• The computer account for the Citrix SmartAuditor Server does not exist in the SmartAuditor Database.

• The computer account has been deleted and re-created using the same name resulting in a new Security Identifier being issued by Windows Active Directory.


The computer account for the Citrix SmartAuditor server must be created in the Citrix SmartAuditor Database.

1. Go to the Microsoft SQL Server and launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

All About Citrix Smartauditor Download

2. Under Object Explorer in the console, go to DatabasesCitrixSmartAuditorSchemas right-click and select New Schema.

2. A) Under Object Explorer in the console, go to DatabasesCitrixSmartAuditorSecuritySchemas right-click and select New Schema.

3. In the Schema name: field enter the computer name of the Citrix SmartAuditor Server in this format DomainMachine-Name$. For example, if the domain is Citrix and the hostname of the Citrix SmartAuditor server is SMARTAUDITOR01, then the entry should be: CITRIXSMARTAUDITOR01$. Note that this entry is not case-sensitive.

4. Leave the entry for Schema Owner field blank. This will be taken care of later when the user account is created. Click OK to continue.

5. Back in the SQL Server Management Studio console, under Object Explorer, go to DatabasesCitrixSmartAuditorUsers right-click and select New User.

5. A) Back in the SQL Server Management Studio console, under Object Explorer, go to SecurityLogins right-click and select New Login...

6. The Database User – New dialog opens. Enter the computer account name (in the same format as used to create the Schema in step 3) for the User name, for the Login name, and for the Default Schema.

All About Citrix Smartauditor Access

6. A) The Login – New dialog opens. Enter the computer account name (in the same format as used to create the Schema in step 3) for the Login name.

7. Under Owned Schemas, click on the check-box for the schema created for this computer account.

7. A) Now go to the CitrixSmartAuditor Database and expand to go to Security –> Users and Right click on the CITRIXSMARTAUDITOR01$ which you have created and go to Properties. Under Owned Schemas, click on the check-box for the schema created for this computer account.

8. Under Role Members, click on the db_owner role.

The picture below shows the result of steps 6 through 8.


9. Click OK to continue.

10. Go back to the Citrix SmartAuditor Server and restart the Citrix SmartAuditor Storage Manager Service.

11. Test by opening the Citrix SmartAuditor Policy Console and by launching ICA sessions that are known to fit the criteria set in the Citrix SmartAuditor Policy Console for a recorded session.